Indrani Mukherjee, accused in Sheena Bora murder case, out of jail after six and a half years Indrani Mukherjee, accused in Sheena Bora murder case, has been released from jail after six and a half years. Indrani has been in jail for the last six and a half years. She was denied bail seven times by the Sessions and the High Court. However, the apex court had on Wednesday granted bail to Indrani on the grounds that she was in jail, there was no sign of her trial ending in the near future and the other accused had been granted bail. What is the order of the Supreme Court? The court ordered the release of Indrani from Byculla Women's Jail on a bond of Rs 2 lakh and a guarantee of the same amount. The court has given Indrani two weeks to produce the guarantor. She further added that while she was out on bail, she should not destroy evidence, impress witnesses or contact the accused on bail, while ordering her release on bail. What's the matter Sheena Bora was assassinated in 2012. ...
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